Piedmont Park Tour
The Atlanta Exposition
Cotton State and
International Exposition /
The World’s Fair
By Brenda & Steve
Images Courtesy of the Kenan
Research Center at the Atlanta History Center
1881 International Cotton Exposition
Bowling Alley (No
New York Building on New York Day
Inside the Fine Arts Building 2
The Chimes Tower – Played by Mary Butt Griffith
US Government Building
from a distance
Inside Confederate Relics Building
Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building
Inside the
Manufacturers Building
Another View of the US Government
The Colonial Relics, Model School, & Model
Costa Rica, Nicaragua, San Salvador
Electric Fountain and
Floating Electric Tower
Transportation &
Electricity Building
Georgia Manufacturing Building
Bailey & Carroll Bar
& Georgia Manufacturing Building
Buffalo Bill (Col William F. Cody)
Inside the Mineral & Forestry